英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:13:13
  • 网络解释

1. 不可相信:beyond power越权 | beyond belief不可相信 | beyond understanding无法理解

2. 难以相信:--He has been proved to be innocent beyond doubt. 他已经被证据确凿的证明无罪了. | beyond belief 难以相信 | beyond words难以形容

The outpouring of love and compassion and caring that has surrounded us is almost beyond belief.(周围的人倾注在我们身上的爱心、同情和关怀几乎是难以置信的。)
These memories with historical image abound with unique personal experience, and some might be beyond belief.(而且,这些关于历史图像的记忆中充满了非常特别的个人经历,有些甚至是令人难以置信的。)
Aside from basic procedural errors-asking to many obvious questions, watching the house too closely-the team had made some gaffes that seemed almost beyond belief.(除了犯下一些基本的程序错误,比如向周围的人问了太多过于敏感的问题,对房屋的监视太近,他们还犯了一些看起来难以置信的错误。)
A man who holds a hasty attitude to truth in small things is also beyond belief.(凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。)
The tomb contained riches beyond belief, and Carter was the first person to see them for over 3,000 years.(墓中藏放着令人难以置信的财宝,而卡特则是三千多年来第一个亲眼见到这些财宝的人。)
The idea that anyone could be "afraid" of the kindly old headmaster, with his gentle smile and mild humor, was beyond belief. Had it been anyone other than Victor, I would have laughed aloud.(认为所有人都“害怕”和蔼的校长,那个有温和笑容和适度幽默的校长,的想法是难以另人置信的。如果说这话的是除了维克托的任何人,我都会哈哈大笑的。)
The place was beautiful beyond belief, but it was still unable to ease the grief she felt as she remembered the last time she had been here.(此时此地美丽的让人难以置信,但这并不能减弱伤痛,只因她铭记着曾在这里的过往时光。)
But supporters disputed such arguments. "Women are perfectly capable in our society in deciding to get plastic surgery, Botox, donate a kidney. I find it patronizing beyond belief."(但是支持者驳斥了这种观点,女性在我们的社会中有能力决定接受整形手术,肉毒毒素注射,捐献肾脏,我认为反对者的观点难以置信的傲慢。)
By trying to ignore it, we end up addicted, depressed, purposeless, confused, and stressed beyond belief.(为了努力忘掉这些伤痛,我们沉迷,沮丧,没有目标,迷茫,并且难以置信地紧张。)
We appreciate your patience as we too are stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news.(我们感谢大家的耐心等候,因为我们和你们一样对此消息无法相信,无比沉痛和难过。)
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